Protect Your Metro Detroit Home, and Everyone in it, with Asbestos Testing and Removal
Pre-1980, asbestos was a common mineral found in household materials, including; insulation, floor tiles, vinyl flooring, and even plaster. Houses and commercial structures alike used these materials as constructs on which to build the building, at least until the government, EPA, and OSHA banned the use of asbestos-filled materials due to the unsafe nature of it in 1986.

Why Should Asbestos Removal Be at the Top of Your Priority List?
To understand the need for asbestos removal, it first is important to understand the danger it poses. Asbestos is a mineral that is made up of extremely fine, needle-like structures that when inhaled, can hook into a person’s lungs, making it difficult to breathe and can potentially result in more serious illness such as lung cancer and mesothelioma. There are several different kinds of asbestos (six to be exact) and all of them are recognized as a dangerous mineral. However, the most commonly used types include chrysotile, amosite, and crocidolite. Together, these three types account for more than 95% of all asbestos used around the world.
Originally, asbestos was valued because it is both a strong and flexible material that was also heat resistant, but upon inspection, it was discovered that when disturbed, the fibers release into the air. Today, if you want to remodel a home or business of any kind, it is important, if not required, to have an asbestos inspection done before any work (especially flooring and insulation) begins.
Request an Asbestos Evaluation Today
What Should You Do When You Think You Need an Asbestos Evaluation?
Although it lives in a vast majority of buildings and homes, today, asbestos is undetectable by an untrained eye. It has no smell or taste. Without an inspection, it would be impossible to detect its presence. Our asbestos team is licensed to perform asbestos testing, inspections, and removal. We will be able to determine whether asbestos is present in your home or business and recommend a plan for removal. If you believe you have asbestos, we strongly encourage you not to disturb it. Pulling or tearing of the material can cause fibers to release into the air faster. Instead, call AMC Environmental to schedule an asbestos inspection today so we can get started making your home or business a safer space.
*For more information about asbestos, visit